Friday, November 7, 2008

Annoucing a New Magazine from a Promo 101 Touring Author

Voice of the Angels
. com is producing a new magazine. The first issue will be launched in December. We’re looking for book excerpts, particularly paranormal romance genre or similar. We’re also looking for high quality informative articles on a broad range of topics. Articles about spiritual topics are most welcome. Please submit queries or articles to Also if you would like your product or products reviewed in an upcoming issue of "Voice of the Magazine" please send to: Ann Churchman, Editor, 22 Glen Eagle Drive, Springfield, IL 62704. Music CDs only to: Dyan Garris, Journeymakers, Inc. 3924 S. Calle Viva, Green Valley, AZ 85614. Please include product information and submit actual product samples. Samples will not be returned and are not guaranteed to be reviewed. For advertising opportunities, beginning at as little as $20 and current rate card please contact:

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