Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday March 20, 2009

Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours featured Darryl Hagar with his The Man Overboard in the spotlight yesterday. featured author Darryl Hagar who shared an excerpt from his book that opened a window into his experiences in recovery from a life of addiction. Don't forget to post a comment for a chance to win one of Mr. Hagar's books.

Yesterday, Willing Spirits by Phyllis Schieber was reviewed on Ramya's Bookshelf -

Also yesterday Dyan Garris was interviewed by Deborah Beauvais on DREAMVISIONS 7 RADIO NETWORK at

As you can see, publicist Nikki Leigh offers a variety of opportunities for authors at Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours. Visit to see what a publicity campaign with Nikki can do with you.

Good luck and keep on the sunny side. Terry

Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
Follow Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours –'Promo 101 Tours

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