Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours offers a full line of author services coordinated by award-winning author and publicist Nikki Leigh.

Today, join author Phyllis Schieber and Marta's Meanderings who shares a review of her new book Willing Sprits at

Look forward to mid-month when Darryl Hagar, author of The Man Overboard, will share his story of being a merchant marine and working on 900' tankers and the extra curricular activities that led his life for over 25 years.

Learn to integrate the Law of Attraction at Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours, not use it by itself. Dyan Garris has built an integrated series of tools, including the award nominated book "Money and Manifesting" to help you overcome your financial shortages.

Other featured tours this month include campaigns for Maria G. Mulvaney, founder of the Women's Millionaire Club and a Dan Fogleberg retrospective at

Spring is coming, so keep on the sunny side. Terry

Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
Follow Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours –'Promo 101 Tours

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