Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday April 14, 2009

Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tour started off the week yesterday when Travis Ryder, station manager of Pioneer 90.1 KSRQ-FM conducted a phone interview with Fred Migliore. Mr. Migliore recently interviewed Dan Fogelberg about his retrospective.
Mr. Migliore is trying to raise $10,000 by the end of Spring to donate to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Darryl Hagar, author of The Man Overboard was seen on April 13 at Bloggin Bout Books http://blogginboutbooks.blogspot.com/2009/04/mechant-marines-tale-not-pretty-but.html/ to read an Interview and Review

That's all for today. Try to stay dry and keep on the sunny side. Terry

Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
Follow Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours –
www.twitter.com/litekepr'Promo 101 Tours -www.virtualblogtour.blogspot.co

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