Sunday, January 4, 2009

Coming Soon to Virtual Promo Tours 101

Good Sunday Morning Bloggers,

I thought you might like to see what Nikki Leigh has cooked up for January. Six great authors will be wending their way through the blogs and talking with fans as the month progresses. What a lineup:

January 2009 Tours

David Snowden - The Mind of a Genius

Dr Ava Searches for the World's Best Lover

Doris Roper - Wake Up Your Life!

Earl Ofari Hutchinson - How Obama Won

Phyllis Schieber - Sinner's Guide to Confession

Wade Slome - How I Managed $20,000,000,000 By Age 32

Check back tomorrow for the details on tours for this exciting lineup and keep on the sunny side. Terry

Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry
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