Friday, January 9, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Good Monday Morning!

Things are popping at Virtual Blogtour 101 today. Nikki Leigh has lots going on to promote authors in January. Here is the schedule at today:

Earl Ofari Hutchinson will speak with Steven Bradley at:

View an interview and review of Phyllis Schieber's book, A Sinner's Guide to Confession with Susan Wingate at:

Doris Roper discusses her book, WAKE UP Your Life with Nikki Leigh on January 12 at:

Dr Ava will discuss her Loveology University and the World's Best Lover contest - with Nikki Leigh on January 12 at 3 pm EST at

Look forward to more exciting blog tours this week and keep on the sunny side. Terry

Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry
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