Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday, January 7, 2008

Tuesday January 6 –

Julie Patterson shares her review for Phyllis Schieber – http://bookingmama.blogspot.com

Share an excerpt from How Obama Won - http://undergroundcontroversy.blogspot.com

Good Morning Bloggers,

Welcome to an easy-to-access venue for Virtual Blogtours 101. This blog offers easy-to access information on the day's tours as created by award-winning book publicist and author Nikki Leigh.

The New Year starts off right with several new virtual tours featuring exciting stops for authors with unique and interesting books.

Share information with Joyce Anthony about How Obama Won and Earl Ofari Hutchinson - http://joyceanthony.tripod.com/blog

Dr. Ava offers good advice on talking to kids about love and sex at: http://fabulously40.com/article/id/how-to-talk-to-your-kids-about-love-sex/ - Talk to Your Kids About Love and Sex – For much more information about entering the World’s Best Lover contest – visit www.worldsbestlover.blogspot.com

Be sure to check back often so you don't miss these unique tours - and keep on the sunny side. Terry

Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry
Follow Promo 101 Virtual Blog Tours – www.twitter.com/litekepr'
Promo 101 Tours - www.virtualblogtour.blogspot.com

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